Classic VW Cup

UK VW Group Racing Series for all VW/AUDI Group Cars.

Classic VW Cup Registration Form

* required information

Please enter your first name
Please enter your surname
Please enter your email address
Please enter your address
Please enter your town/city
Please enter your postcode
Please enter your telephone number
Vehicles M.Y. 1965 to current
Based on 270 hp/tonne turbo
or 300 hp/tonne normally aspirated
(power to be measured at the flywheel)
Vehicles M.Y. 2000 to current
Based on 220 hp/tonne turbo
or 250 hp/tonne normally aspirated
(power to be measured at the flywheel)
Vehicles M.Y. 1965 to 2000
Based on 220 hp/tonne turbo
or 250 hp/tonne normally aspirated
(power to be measured at the flywheel)
Cannot continue unless you agree to abide by CVWC rules and regs

Please contact Chris Adams com;gmail;chris.classicvwcup for payment details.

CVWC runs as a non profit club, all received fees will be used solely for CVWC use and any remaining monies will be distributed equally and returned to registered competitors.

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